A surgery formula for the smooth Yamabe invariant. Research report about joint work with M. Dahl and E. Humbert.
Bernd Ammann

A surgery formula for the smooth Yamabe invariant.
Research report about joint work with M. Dahl and E. Humbert. (.dvi, .ps,.ps.gz or .pdf)
Math. Forsch. Oberwolfach Report No.41 (2007), 2413-2417,
see also the web-page of the corresponding seminar


The condition that n has to be at least 5 in Theorem 6 and in the last Corollary was not explicitly stated in the printed version, although it is clear from the context. To avoid misunderstandings we added this condition in the version available above.
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The Paper was written on 2.11.2007
Last update 15.8.2008