The Willmore Conjecture for immersed tori with small curvature integral
Bernd Ammann
The Willmore Conjecture for immersed tori with small curvature integral
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Manuscripta Math. 101, no. 1, 1-22 (2000)
The Willmore conjecture states that any immersion F:T2-> Rn
of a 2-torus into euclidean space satisfies \int_{T2} H2\ge 2\pi2.
We prove it under the condition that the Lp-norm of the
Gaussian curvature is sufficiently small.
53A05 (Primary), 53A30, 58G30 (Secondary)
Willmore integral, conformal metrics, two-dimensional torus
Bernd Ammann, 12.10.1999