The Einstein-Hilbert Action as a Spectral Action
Bernd Ammann and Christian Bär
The Einstein-Hilbert Action as a Spectral Action
(The links on this webpage are currently deaktivated, as they intersect with current exercise questions)
Vortrag auf der Arbeitstagung "Das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik unter mathematisch-geometrischem Aspekt",
Hesselberg 1999,
erschienen im Tagungsband: F. Scheck, H. Upmeiner (ed.),
Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics,
Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 596, 2002.
Exposition of heat asymptotics for generalized Laplace operators, Weyl's
asymptotics for the eigenvalues, variation of the total scalar curvature
functional (Einstein-Hilbert action), and of a theorem by Kalau/Walze and
Kastler independently relating the second heat coefficient to the Wodzicki
The article is part of the Proceedings at Hesselberg 1999.
58G11, 58G15, 58G18
Laplace operator, Dirac operator, heat equation, asymptotic solution,
scalar curvature functional, Wodzicki residue
Bernd Ammann, 28.4.1999