Oberwolfach report: Regularity for eigenfunctions of Schrödinger type operators
Bernd Ammann (collaboration with Catarina Carvalho and Victor Nistor)
Oberwolfach report: Regularity for eigenfunctions of Schrödinger type operators
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Math. Forsch. Oberwolfach Report 56/2011 (2011), 3223-3225, doi: 10.4171/OWR/2011/56
We present in the form of an exteded abstract some regularity results for the eigenfunctions of a single nucleus Schrödinger operator in weighted Sobolev (or Babuska--Kondratiev) spaces. The abstract is associated to a talk in Oberwolfach in December 2011 and summarizes results from this article.
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The Paper was written on 4.1.2012
Last update 4.1.2012