Abstracts of the "Arbeitsgruppenseminar"

Prof. Bernd Ammann und Mitarbeiter, Zimmer 119

Paul Schwahn, Univ. Stuttgart

The Lichnerowicz Laplacian on normal homogeneous spaces

The Lichnerowicz Laplacian is an interesting differential operator on Riemannian manifolds, generalizing the Hodge-de Rham Laplacian on differential forms to tensors of arbitrary type. It features prominently in the study of the linear stability of Einstein metrics.

Normal homogeneous spaces are a natural setting in which Casimir operators occur. In the 80s, Koiso studied the stability of symmetric spaces of compact type, utilizing the coincidence of ΔL with a Casimir operator. Motivated by his and also the G-stability results of Lauret-Lauret-Will, we generalize Koiso's strategy to general normal homogeneous spaces.

Ultimately this approach is sufficient to provide many new non-symmetric examples of stable Einstein manifolds of positive scalar curvature.

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Bernd Ammann, 25.07.2023
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