Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar

Prof. Bernd Ammann und Mitarbeiter, Zimmer 119

Inhalt des Seminars

Thema des Seminars sind Vorträge über eigene Arbeiten der Vortragenden wie zum Beispiel Zulassungsarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Doktorarbeiten, bis hin zu fortgeschritteneren Projekten.


Unless there is some other information, the talk will start on Monday at 16.00 and will be in M101.
On demand, the seminar may be run in hybrid mode (presence+zoom access).
The zoom access data are available in this GRIPS seminar for everybody with a computer account of the university of Regensburg (A Registration in the GRIPS seminar is required, you may have to ask Mrs Bonn for a password.)
All other interested persons are asked to send an email to Bernd Ammann.

If abstracts are available, then they can be obtained as a link by clicking on the title of the talks

17.4.  Program discussion  
24.4. Linus GötzfriedThe Linearised Einstein Equations on Lorentzian Manifolds 
1.5. HolidayMay first-holiday  
8.5. Dennis ZumbilBordism techniques for studying metrics of positive scalar curvature 
15.5. Eilind KarlssonHigher Morita categories and dualizability 
22.5. Jonathan Glöckle Constructing initial data sets with lightlike parallel spinor 
29.5. HolidayPentecost Monday  
5.6. no talk   Bernd not in R
12.6. no talk    
19.6. Lucia Tessarolo A Gauss-Bonnet theorem for 3D contact sub-Riemannian manifolds 
26.6. no talk   
3.7. Bernd Ammann and Matthis LudewigT(Q)FTs und Alternativen  
10.7.    Bernd in Stockholm 
17.7. Thomas Walpuski
HU Berlin
The Gopakumar–Vafa finiteness conjecture Conference 
24.7.M102Paul Schwahn
The Lichnerowicz Laplacian on normal homogeneous spaces 
Guo Chuan Thiang
Peking University
Coarse geometry and index in real-life physics 
Boris Botvinnik
University of Oregon
Concordance, isotopy, and Dirac operators 

"TBA" bedeutet: "To be announced", "N.N." bedeutet "Nomen nescio"="Name des Sprechers oder der Sprecherin noch nicht bekannt".


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Bernd Ammann, 25.07.2023
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