Date Time | (Time) Room Links | Name | Subject | Category | Comments |
2.11. | Bernd not in R | ||||
9.11. | |||||
16.11. | |||||
23.11. | |||||
30.11. | 10.15 zoom | Mark Hamilton | A lift of the Seiberg-Witten equations to Kaluza-Klein 5-manifolds | ||
7.12. | |||||
14.12. | |||||
21.12. | Faellt aus | ||||
28.12. | no talk | holiday season | |||
4.1. | no talk | holiday season | |||
11.1. | Alexander König | Submanifold properties for iterated blowups | |||
18.1. | Bernd in anderer Fakultät tätig | ||||
25.1. | Matthias Ludewig | A coarse geometric approach to topological insulators, Part I | |||
1.2. | Matthias Ludewig | A coarse geometric approach to topological insulators, Part II | |||
8.2. | Raphael Schmidpeter | Neumannalgebren und Cliffordalgebren |
"TBA" bedeutet: "To be announced", "N.N." bedeutet "Nomen nescio"="Name des Sprechers oder der Sprecherin noch nicht bekannt".