Seminar: Ricci flow, Part II

Prof. Bernd Ammann, Zimmer 119

Time and Place

Mon 8-10, M102
Please register by email.
Please also register in G.R.I.P.S., as we send announcements via this system.

Content of the Seminar

In this seminar we will study the Ricci-flow in arbitrary dimensions. The Ricci flow in dimension 3 provides the geometrisation of compact oriented 3-manifolds in the sense of Thurston. This is a decomposition in elementary pieces. The Poincare conjecture is a special case. One talk of the seminar will sketch this program. Other topics are shorttime existence and uniqueness of the flow, the neckpinch and curvature evolution. The goal is to understand the behavior of the flow until the blowup in singularities and the entropy formula. However, it is not realistic to give a full proof of the geometrisation within this seminar. Instead our aim is to acquire an overview over the central parts of the proof.


The seminar program is here as pdf-file.

The program of the previous semester is available here as pdf-file.

Related web sites


For a list of the literature directly related to the seminar, please have a look at the program above.

Further literature

Disclaimer: this list is not up to date and by far not complete! Wikipedia-Page to the Ricci flow.

Formal requirements (in German)

Kriterien für benotete Leistungsnachweise

Um die üblichen Leistungsnachweise zu erhalten, sind folgende Kriterien zu erfüllen:
  1. Erfolgreiches Vortragen
  2. Schriftliche Ausarbeitung eines Vortrages
  3. aktive Mitarbeit im Seminar

Unbenotete Leistungsnachweise

Wie bei benoteten Leistungsnachweisen.


Vortrag und Ausarbeitung bilden die Modulteilprüfung.

Bernd Ammann, 20.1.2017 oder später