Seminar: Positive scalar curvature
Prof. Bernd Ammann, Prof. Ulrich Bunke
Content of the Seminar
In the first part of the seminar we prove a theorem by Galatius, Madsen,
Tillmann and Weiss which constructs a homotopy equivalence from the
classifying space of a bordism category to the infinite loop space of a
Thom spectrum.
In further parts of the seminar -- whose exact content will be fixed
during the seminar --
we then discuss work by Galatius, Randal-Williams, Ebert and Botvinnik which
leads to the detection of many non-trivial homotopy groups in the
space of positive scalar curvature metrics on a given compact manifold.
Time and Place
Monday, 14-16, M102
For the precise schedule including names of the speakers, see the internal pages of the seminar (Password restricted).
Here is the program (preliminary version).
Handouts and similar
Here is some material provided by the speakers such as
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Formal requirements (in German)
Kriterien für benotete Leistungsnachweise
Um die üblichen Leistungsnachweise zu erhalten, sind folgende
Kriterien zu erfüllen:
- Erfolgreiches Vortragen
- Schriftliche Ausarbeitung eines Vortrages
- aktive Mitarbeit im Seminar
Unbenotete Leistungsnachweise
Wie bei benoteten Leistungsnachweisen.
Vortrag und Ausarbeitung bilden die Modulteilprüfung.
Bernd Ammann, 02.07.2014 or later